Jan 3, 2012

One year later

2011 has come to a close, and I have been reflecting on the ways God has answered the prayers for which I fasted. My main purpose for fasting was to discover God's direction for my life. I believe salvation is more important to God than career choice, and that He will guide me to the best career path for me and in which I may glorify Him. Moreover, I believe God has shown me the best career path for me, and that is writing.

I feel as though God has surged the culmination of the prayer and fasting at the beginning to the final part of the year 2011. That is because I now have more specifics from prayer as to which direction the Lord has for me. I also feel this way because my family, who fasted with me, are having their prayers answered. Truly, this has been our best year yet.

As we look to 2012, I can look toward more spiritual refreshment as my church and I begin the Daniel fast again on Jan. 9. Although my flesh is crying out "Not again!" my spirit longs for this refreshing. Happy New Year!