Jan 11, 2011

Day 11: Trusting God more

Claiming scripture daily has a way of working itself into my heart. For a long time now, I have been quoting Psalm 91 in the morning. However, I have not been consistent lately because the Psalm is long or I just forget to recite it. Recently, I have found that quoting the first part is far more manageable, especially if I need to repeat it multiple times. Whenever doubts about what this psalm affirms arise in my mind, I say of the Lord (as the psalmist does), "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Doing this whenever contradicting thoughts come up has really helped me to trust God more and push down my fears. The number of times I quote is not as important as how well it roots itself in my heart, and I'm looking forward to seeing my fears get smaller and smaller and faith taking deeper ground in my life.

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